The first Five Minute Friday writing inspiration word is very appropriate for the start of a new year: Motivate. What a perfect word to meditate on as I begin my 2018 goals.
Five minutes are on the iPhone timer…START!
When I think about what motivates me to start something, complete something, or really put my mind to something; I realize that it needs to be a clear and attainable goal, it needs to be something that I know I’m good at or can accomplish, and the end result needs to have met a need. That need could be clearly helping others, my community, or simply bringing joy and beauty to my life or the lives of those it will come in contact with.
I think that is why I volunteer so much. I know that I can make a difference and I’m motivated by that. I’m also motivated by beauty and creativity. So, cooking, crafts, and writing fit that bill.
Now, the real question is how to motivate a 13-year-old who has a serious case of inattentive and just doesn’t really care about getting things done in general. When money, negative consequences or even positive consequences don’t work the subject of motivation becomes very difficult. Slowly, we are beginning to discover that possibly motivation and incentives are not currently wired into his brain.
What motivates you?
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